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Typing on Laptop | Reading Newspaper |
office space | Waiting Area |
busy office | Business Partners at Work |
Business Handshake | Hand on Laptop |
Small Office
Prices start at 35,000 baht /14.00 sq. M.
Prices start at 43,000 baht /15.00 sq. M (Panoramic View).
- High quality office furniture
- 1 IP phone
- Capacity: 4 people
- Security key card
Medium Offices
Prices start at 42,000 baht /16.60 sq. M.
Prices start at 45,000 baht /15.25 sq. M (Panoramic View).
- High quality office furniture
- 1 IP phone
- Security key card
Large Offices
Prices start at 50,000 baht /17.80 sq. M (Panoramic View).
- High quality office furniture
- 1 IP phone- Security key card
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